Garimori, S.L. sigue abriendo mercados en todo el mundo, apoyándose en su política de calidad y seguridad alimentaria avalada con las certific aciones que renueva anualmente y siguiendo los mejores métodos tradicionales y vanguardistas.
Garimori, s.l. consigue la certificación Certicar, que avala el cumplimiento en lo dispuesto en el RD 4/2014 de 10 de Enero, por el que se modifica la norma de calidad para la carne ibérica, el jamón ibérico, la paleta ibérica y la caña de lomo ibérico (Nº CERTIFICADO: CP/NCI/004/06).
In this year Garimori, S.L. obtains approval to export hams to Japan, hence opening the doors to the Asian markets.
This is the year in which Garimori, S.L. obtains the IFS Food Safety Certification, representing the first Guijuelo based company to obtain this international standard certification. Hence a quality management system is implemented, which notably improves the work system that had been followed to date.
As of that moment Garimori, S.L. starts to specialize in the manipulation of fresh and processed meat products.
This was the year in which Garimori, S.L. obtained the Certicar Certification, which comes to ensure compliance of that arranged in Royal Decree 1469/2007, dated November 2, by which the quality standard for Ibérico meat, Ibérico ham, Ibérico shoulder ham and Ibérico loin is duly approved (CERTIFICATE Nº: CP/NCI/004/06).
This was the year when the facilities in which the company currently operates were built, representing a four-story factory with a surface space of 800 meters, with modern installations, duly certified by the EEC. Sandra Moríñigo, Antonio Moríñigo’s daughter, joins the company at this time, currently holding the post of company manager.
At the beginning Sandra Moríñigo followed in her father’s footsteps in that pertaining to production, yet with the passing of time and observing the market trends, she decided to increase the variety of processed products, duly adapting to the demands of the national and European markets.
In this year the constituted company is fully acquired by the Moríñigo Family, continuing with the same activity it had been carrying out to date in facilities that were leased out.
Garimori, S.L. saw the light in this year, having been initially founded by Antonio Moríñigo and María Ángeles Garabaya, with the company name, which gives rise to so many questions, resulting from the union of the two surnames.
At the beginning of its trajectory the company was only dedicated to natural curing of hams and shoulder hams, as all the phases prior to the production process were subcontracted from other sector companies.